• Donating and receiving donations on ManIQ are only possible via PayPal, therefore, it is strongly advised to register an account. You can do it here.
  • Please note, if you are under 18, you will need to use your parent’s PayPal account, or ask them to set up one for you. If you live in the US, you can also own a Student account. For more info please check the PayPal website.


  • However, it may seem complicated to set up another account to be able to use the donation function on ManIQ, it is much safer than providing your bank card details on a website.


  • If you wish to donate on ManIQ, simply add the donation amount on the specific project page, and click ‘Donate’. First, you will be redirected to the Payment page, where you can check the details of your donation, and when you click on the Donate button, you are navigated to the official PayPal site. You will have to sign in and check all the data again, then click on the Pay Now button.


  • As far as the donation amount is concerned, you should keep in mind that PayPal charges transaction fees to the person who receives the donation, which varies between 3 and 5% of the donated amount. (For further info please visit the Paypal website.)


  • Before sending your donation on PayPal, please check the conversion rate below the amount (if you are not paying with euro), and you can also choose the currency option ‘Your card issuer’s rate’ if you find it a more favourable choice.